Are you about to buy your house and starting to line up visits in search of that special find? This is a crucial step that mixes moments of stress and excitement, but you must not forget to put all the odds in your favor to make the right choice and avoid...
Since April 1st, 2023, every property seller of an "energy-intensive" property is required to conduct an energy audit. The purpose of this measure is to enhance the buyer's information about the property they are purchasing by listing various energy renovation...
When considering purchasing a condominium, you may find that the condominium in question is subject to an ongoing legal procedure. It is important to understand the nature of such procedures, as they can range from minor to significant. Take the time...
How to Highlight Your Home's Features for a Successful Sale If you plan to sell your house, you likely hope to get the best price and attract numerous potential buyers to choose from. But do you know what to highlight to generate interest? Emphasizing...
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